Note: The majority of the contents of this page is translated and originally from the Wiki Syntax page on the SCP-JP wiki.
This page references Wikidot's syntax documentation.
This is a reference for Wikidot syntax used often (or not) in writing SCPs. If you'd like to see more advanced formatting using non-Wikidot syntax on Wikidot, check out DrMagnus's Advanced Formatting and You essay, and if you'd like some easily copy-pasted templates for various alternative logs and formats, check out
Shaggydredlocks's SCP Style Resource essay.
Table of Contents
Syntax | Example |
**Bold** | Bold |
//Italics// | Italics |
__Underline__ | Underline |
--Strikethrough-- | Strikethrough |
{{Teletype (Monospaced)}} | Teletype (Monospaced) |
Text^^Superscript^^ | TextSuperscript |
Text,,Subscript,, | TextSubscript |
[[span style="color:red"]]//span// Inline Element[[/span]] | span Inline Element |
##blue|Predefined## Or ##0000FF|Hex Color Code## | Predefined or Hex Color Code |
Text Size
Changing size based on current text size:
Syntax | Example |
[[size smaller]]Smaller Text[[/size]] | Smaller Text |
[[size larger]]Larger Text[[/size]] | Larger Text |
[[size 80%]]80% Of Current Size[[/size]] | 80% of Of Current Size |
[[size 100%]]100% Of Current Size[[/size]] | 100% Of Current Size |
[[size 150%]]150% Of Current Size[[/size]] | 150% Of Current Size |
[[size 0.8em]]80% Of Current Size[[/size]] | 80% Of Current Size |
[[size 1em]]100% Of Current Size[[/size]] | 100% Of Current Size |
[[size 1.5em]]150% Of Current Size[[/size]] | 150% Of Current Size |
Setting the size directly:
Syntax | Example |
[[size xx-small]]Extra-Extra-Small Text[[/size]] | Extra-Extra-Small Text |
[[size x-small]]Extra-Small Text[[/size]] | Extra-Small Text |
[[size small]]Small Text[[/size]] | Small Text |
[[size large]]Large Text[[/size]] | Large Text |
[[size x-large]]Extra-Large Text[[/size]] | Extra-Large Text |
[[size xx-large]]Extra-Extra Large Text[[/size]] | Extra-Extra Large Text |
[[size 7px]]Text Size 7 Pixels[[/size]] | Text Size 7 Pixels |
[[size 18.75px]]Text Size 18.75 Pixels[[/size]] | Text Size 18.75 Pixels |
URLs will automatically become links: -
To link specific words or phrases, use the following:
[ SCP Foundation] - SCP Foundation
[[[ | SCP Foundation]]] - SCP Foundation
Pages within the wiki can be linked to directly with just the title, if the url and title are the same (i.e. the page title that Wikidot generates based on the url you use, non-case sensitive):
DrMagnus's [[[Advanced Formatting and You]]] - DrMagnus's Advanced Formatting and You
Adding an asterisk (*) in front of the url opens the link in a new window:
* -
[* SCP Foundation] - SCP Foundation
[[[* | SCP Foundation]]] - SCP Foundation
Collapsibles are for hiding long blocks of text to prevent the page from getting too long. The hidden text appears once you click on the collapsible link:
[[collapsible show="+ Open" hide="- Close"]]
Collapsed text here
The collapsible show/hide text is "+ show block" and "- hide block" by default, if no show/hide is specified.
For long text blocks, use "hideLocation="both"" to show the hide link at the bottom of the block as well:
[[collapsible hideLocation="both" show="+ Open" hide="- Close"]]
Footnotes are good for inserting more information into text without cluttering the text:
Content[[footnote]]Footnote content[[/footnote]]. More content[[footnote]]More footnote content[[/footnote]].
Inserting [[footnoteblock]] determines the position of the footnotes. Otherwise, footnotes will appear at the bottom of the page:
Use this code to insert images. width is an optional measurement and can be removed, in which case it shall default to 300px.
[[include component:image-block
This image will be placed on the right side of the page.
- To place it on the left, use component:image-block-right
- To place it in the middle and stretch from one side of the page to the other, set width to 100%.
- To place it on the right for desktop and in the middle for mobile, use component:image-block-responsive
Audio and Video
Use the HTML5 media player to add audio and video. Change the type to either "audio" or "video" to fit what you're inserting:
[[include :snippets:html5player
| type=audio
Quoteblocks are handy for inserting text that comes from notes, or just to insert long quotes:
> Quote
> More quote
More quote
Note that there is a "> " to insert the empty line, and a space after the second ">" bracket; without those, the empty line isn't there:
> Quote
> More quote
More quote
> Quote
> More quote
More quote
Tabs are great for a variety of uses, mostly for keeping your numerous drafts on one sandbox page, but there are other creative uses for it too.
[[tab Tab 1]]
Contents of tab 1
[[tab Tab 2]]
Contents of Tab 2
[[tab Tab 3]]
Contents of Tab 3
Tabs can be nested within tabs, but the most obvious method (putting a [[tabview]] within another [[tabview]]) will not work. There is a specific method required for nesting tabs, but I don't recommend doing it due to readability issues. Just make another sandbox page at that point.
Tables can be useful for experiment logs, or SCPs with a large number of component entities:
|| Non-formatted cell || Non-formatted cell || Non-formatted cell ||
||< Left-aligned cell ||< Left-aligned cell ||< Left-aligned cell ||
||> Right-aligned cell ||> Right-aligned cell ||> Right-aligned cell ||
||= Center-aligned cell ||= Center-aligned cell ||= Center-aligned cell||
Non-formatted cell | Non-formatted cell | Non-formatted cell |
Left-aligned cell | Left-aligned cell | Left-aligned cell |
Right-aligned cell | Right-aligned cell | Right-aligned cell |
Center-aligned cell | Center-aligned cell | Center-aligned cell |
Adding more cell separators (||) before the cell's text will make the cell span multiple columns based on how many cell separators you used:
||~ Cell title ||~ Cell title ||~ Cell title ||
|| Cell spanning one column |||| Cell spanning two columns ||
|||||| Cell spanning three columns||
Cell title | Cell title | Cell title |
Cell spanning one column | Cell spanning two columns | |
Cell spanning three columns |