Stephen called this section "Concordance"
Wizards and Warriors
- Argan - "The argan tree (Argania spinosa, syn. A. sideroxylon Roem. & Schult.) is a species of tree endemic to the calcareous semi-desert of southwestern Morocco. It is the sole species in the genus Argania" [Wikipedia].
- Garash - "Garash is a type of cake very popular in Bulgarian cuisine" [Wikipedia].
- "leech gatherer" - probably not a reference to The Leech-Gatherer, by William Wordsworth.
- p. 32 - Quernstones - "Quern-stones are a pair of stone tools for hand grinding a wide variety of materials. The lower, stationary, stone is called a quern, whilst the upper, mobile, stone is called a handstone." [Wikipedia].
- p. 45 - Taniwha - "A Taniwha is a legendary monster said by the Maori to live in the ocean and inland waters of New Zealand, hiding in deep pools, rivers, lakes, and dark caves" [Wikipedia].
- p. 49 - "Farfalla"
- p. 51 - "thirteen paces"?
- p. 77 - "Pox doctor, heal thyself"
- p. 169-70 - The tale of Loosehead Robert and the spider is based on a similar one told of Robert Bruce.
- 338 - manifest destiny
- p. 369 - "fields of rape and panic" - rape is another name for canola.
- p. 370 - "Watashi"
- Skua- "The skuas are seabirds in the family Stercorariidae" [Wikipedia].
- p. 477 - "Oparatu" - this is the only mention of an Order of Wizardry by this name.
- "Estar" - see here.
Wordsmiths and the Warguild
- "Togura" - see here.
- p. 271 - "acquired immune deficiency syndrome" - a reference to AIDS.
- Tameran - "The Wiccan tradition called Kemetic Wicca or Egyptian Wicca is the adaptation of Gardnerian Wicca of the pantheon of Egyptian gods and goddesses. … Kemetic Wicca is also refered to as Tameran Wicca. Tamerans are mostly eclectic and solitary practitioners" [Wikipedia].
- Walrus and the Warwolf
- "Atsimo Andranovory" - see here and here.
- "xebec" - see here and here.
- Falchion - "A falchion (pronounced fal-shun) is a medieval single handed, one edged sword of European origin" [Wikipedia].
- p. 82 - "Omnia puris pura"
- p. 124 "maybe I should start keeping geese"
- p. 239 - "sodomy, rum and the lash"
- p. 242 - "Come back with your shield or on it."
- p. 363 - "bycocket" see hunter's cap here.
- "gabbart" - see here.
- "Runcorn" - see here.
- "Anthus" - see here.
- "Hauma Sea" - see here and here.
- "Thelemite" - see here.
Wicked and the Witless
- p. 9 - "Kelebes"
- p. 16 - "Celadon" - see here.
- "Benthorn" - see here.
- p. 152 - Glambrax and Thodric Jarl don't seem to recognise each other.
- p. 155 - The poem by Araz Stone echoes the sentiments of Plato's Phaedrus.
- p. 205 - Childermass- "The commemoration of the massacre of these "Holy Innocents" — considered the first martyrs for Christ — first appears as a feast of the western church in the Leonine Sacramentary, dating from about 485. The feast is also called Childermas … the Roman Catholic Church … commemorate[s] the children on December 28" [Wikipedia]
- "Farfalla" see here.
- p. 265 - "Yan Nard" is an anagram of Ayn Rand.
- p. 389 - Protocols of the Pipers of Prion - a reference to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. "The Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion is a text purporting to describe a plan to achieve global domination by the Jewish people. Following its first public publication in 1903 in the Russian Empire, numerous independent investigations have repeatedly exposed the writing as a hoax" [Wikipedia].
Wishstone and the Wonderworkers
- p. 16 - Arwin, author of On The Generation of Species, is probably a lewd variant of Charles Darwin and his On the Origin of Species.
- p. 31 - Triakisoctahedron - "A trigonal trisoctahedron" [The Free Dictionary] pictures here or here or here. [Wikipedia].
- p. 35 - Laitemata Harbour- A reference to Waitemata Harbour. "Waitemata Harbour is the main access by sea to Auckland, New Zealand" [Wikipedia].
- p. 39 - "walking rocks" - Varazchavardan is being facetious, but his comment foreshadows the effects of the death stone.
- p. 63 - "Eder Digest" - his name is a reference to Reader's Digest.
- p. 121 - "magnanimous"
- p. 143 - "non servium"
- p. 150 - "repetitive strain injury" [Wikipedia]
- p. 175 - "Uckermark" see here.
- Thixotropic - "Thixotropy is the property of some non-newtonian pseudoplastic fluids to show a time-dependent change in viscosity; the longer the fluid undergoes shear, the lower its viscosity." [Wikipedia].
- Analytical Engine - "The analytical engine, an important step in the history of computers, is the design of a mechanical modern general-purpose computer by the British professor of mathematics Charles Babbage" [Wikipedia].
- p. 224 - "Fardrendoko" - equivalent to our world's Oxford.
- p. 224 - "Ashmolean Museum"
- p. 262 - "A lion and a unicorn."
- p. 269 - "Don't come the raw prawn with me." - don't impose upon me - Australian colloquialism from WWII servicemen.
- p. 280 - "Star Chamber" [Wikipedia]
- p. 281 - "Zoso" [Wikipedia]
- Pounamu - "Pounamu is the Maori word for greenstone" [Wikipedia] "Greenstone is a non layered metamorphic rock derived from basalt, gabbro or similar rocks containing sodium-rich plagioclase feldspar, chlorite, epidote and quartz. Chlorite and epidote give the green colour. Greenstone is also known as nephrite jade. … Greenstone is highly valued by the Maori and it plays an important role in their culture." [Wikipedia].
- p. 295 - Bro Drumel - a reference to Beau Brummel. "George Bryan Brummell (June 7, 1778 – March 30, 1840), better known as Beau Brummell, was an arbiter of fashion in Regency England and a friend of the Prince Regent" [Wikipedia].
- p. 434 - "Drax Lira"
- "Artemis Ingalawa" - see here and here.
- "Jal Japone" - see here.
Wazir and the Witch
- "Wazir" [Wikipedia]
- p. 244 - "J'Accuse!"
- p. 269 - "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."
Werewolf and the Wormlord
- p. 104 - "That's all Janjuladoola to me."
- p. 307 - "What I tell you three times is true." - A quote from Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark.
- "Danbrog" - [Wikipedia]
- "Stavenger" - [Wikipedia]
Worshippers and the Way
- Parengarenga - "Parengarenga Harbour is a natural harbour close to the northernmost point on the North Island of New Zealand" [Wikipedia]
Witchlord and the Weaponmaster
- p. 213 - "weapon of mass destruction"
- p. 319 - "A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, a chamber pot - what else could you want?" - see the Rubaiyat.
- "Stranagor" - see here.
- p. 351 - Anna Blaume's bar is called the Green Parrot here, when in book IX it's called the Green Cricket.
- "Alozay" - see here.
- p. 367 - "Why. this is hell, nor am I out of it."
- p. 375-6 - Asodo Hatch is called an Ashdan warrior when he is in fact a Frangoni. This can't be a mistake by the book's "author", Sken-Pitilkin, who acknowledges meeting Hatch [p. 375]
- p. 688 - "When I hear someone talk of science, then I reach for my sword."
page revision: 5, last edited: 08 Apr 2022 17:29