Elkor Alish a Rovac warrior. Died after being exsanguinated by a Neversh. Possibly born 4289 (if he's 37 in 4326 [I p. 99]). (4291-4328)
Elkor Alish, son of Teramont the Defender, is a famed army leader of the Cold West, known variously as the Red Terror, Bloodsword, He Who Walks, and Our Lord Despair. He's a leading member of the Code of Night, the secret organization dedicated to the death of all wizards. He later became the captain of Prince Comedo's bodyguard.
Alish is a wiry middle-aged man noted for his haughty demeanour. He prefers elegant dress and has a taste for gold jewellery.. He has long black hair and a black square-cut beard.
Alish served in the wars of the Cold West, with Morgan Hearst serving beneath him. Hearst and Gorn followed him to Estar where they repulsed the initial Collosnon Invasion.
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