Member of family Jubiladilia, cousin of Heineman and Atlanta.
So Heineman again sought out Sheridan Mantis, youngest of his cousins, and youngest brother of the formidable Dug Mantis. Sheridan, aged twenty, had recently graduated from the College of Gardeners. He was a good boy, one who had pleased his Family by taking a formal Pledge of Premarital Virginity, and, to Heineman's relief, he had stayed clear of student politics during his time at the College, avoiding getting entangled with the extremism of either Beauty or Use.
After his graduation, Sheridan had at first been unemployed for a couple of months, but, during the days of Panjalo's trial, Heineman had arranged for Sheridan to be taken onto the staff of the Salsa Soko Pelchis as a Subassistant Apprentice Gardener. This meant that Sheridan was in charge of the Presidential Mongoose Squad, that he got to rake up dead leaves, that he made tea for more senior Gardeners three times a day, and that he was sometimes permitted (under close supervision) to weed the lawn around the base of the presidential mirarilusistan (it would be a few years yet before he would be allowed to Weed or Dig or Prune or Water the actual mirarilusistan itself). [NoP Ch10]