Atlanta Ignalina Jubiladilia

Main character of West of Heaven, secondary character in the next two books.
- is a member of the Jubiladilia Family
- Grumpy, unlikeable and argumentative.
- Engaged to Yulius Epoktatima before he left Atlanta for her best friend Soba Lubamacasta.
- Daughter of Kansko Chansko, Grand-daughter of Zinjanthrop.
- Lawyer
- Briefly engaged to her rival Gorkindachina.
- Has a son Loki from a single tryst with Gorkindachina.
- Enjoys reading Vampire Comics.
- Doesn't like her brother Heineman Yakaskam Jubiladilia who she thinks is an idiot.
- Tall, silver skinned of Mer Descent.
- Smokes
- Later President of Chalakanesia (probably for life) after taking the job from her brother Heineman Yakaskam Jubiladilia.

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