See map of Chalakanesia.
The nation upon which the Oceans of Light series is centered. It is a federation of seven different islands/archipelagos. It lies along the metapsychic faultline which causes ghosts and other supernatural phenomena to appear frequently, and also blocks electricity.
Chalakanesia is based on pacific island nations, specifically Ocean Island in Kiribati where Hugh Cook spent two years as a child.
Because of its central location in the Ocean between the giant opposing nations of Heaven and Hell, Chalakanesia has often been used as a battle-field.
The seven states of Chalakanesia are (from north to south) the archipelago of Cherwin Skam, the island of Midas Makorum, the reef known as Unlox Brocade, the archipelago of Solakarno, and the islands of Jaz Diva, Sopwith Dromedax and Islam Demaxus.
Pedants will protest that Islam Demaxus is not a nation, and so cannot experience nationalistic pride. Certainly, Chalakanesia is technically a federation of seven states, these being (as we look from north to south) the archipelago of Cherwin Skam, the island of Midas Makorum, the reef known as Unlox Brocade, the archipelago of Solakarno, and the islands of Jaz Diva, Sopwith Dromedax and Islam Demaxus. But, though Islam Demaxus is technically just one of the states in a federation, the Seven Pearls are so far-scattered, and separated by such deep historical divisions, that the emotional resonances of statehood are akin to those of nationhood elsewhere. [EoH 5]