An important road running east - west in central Lexis.
The east-west road is the Alkaline Bill, which runs between Eastport and Westport. It is intersected by a north-south road, the northerly part of which is Palching Lindus. The southerly part, which runs the length of the Mexicus Hojo and terminates at Ezakinfin, is the broad avenue of Qin Sistock Maruka (that street of elegance which the Gan in their bitterness have named in derision as the Bluttocky Batter).
The east-west and north-south roads described above meet at a major intersection known as Hodokyo De, the Place of the Hodokyo. At the south east corner of this intersection lies the Haridjakarta Moskovola, that establishment otherwise known as the Hari Mok. Its proprietor the great Hari Pan Daipan Tel Domico Os, and Panjalo Pantaline counted it as the most favorite of her watering holes. [NoP Ch12]