Oceans of Light - Calendars

Calendars from Hugh Cook's Oceans of Light.

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Category: Calendar

Alsh Gravis - Alsh Gravis, the Month of Marriage, the ninth month of Chalakanesia's thirteen-month year. It was the last day of Alsh Gravis, the Month of Marriage, the ninth month of Chalakanesia's thirteen-month...

Belta - The main calendar of the great powers. Doesn't quite correspond to the Chalakanesian Calendar.

Chalakanesian Cycles - A Chalakanesian Cycle is a Chalakanesian year. Heaven and Hell use the Belta system for years. Is the year length the same? Year Cycle Belta Comment Year of the Scorpion 400 Mad Dog of Scorpion...

Hog - A year in the Chalakanesian Calendar. In Belta 2365, the year of the Hog, an election was approaching. In that year, Islam Demaxus had the privilege of electing a president for Chalakanesia. But this...

Lombok - Lombok, the Month of Madness, was the time of peak metapsychic activity in Chalakanesia. Then, big spikes and overjolts were to be expected. 'Obviously,' said Heineman, 'La Lantis wants this toad out...

Month Of All Births - The month of Zavrakeltic, the Month of All Births In a few days, the Year of the Elephant would be at an end, and the Year of the Pearl would commence, with the month of Zavrakeltic, the Month of All...

Month Of Caterpillars - Palapap, the Month of Caterpillars, which is the 11th month of Chalakanesia's 13-month year, the month which comes directly before Lombok. The woman Panjalo, daughter of Kansko Chansko and Olabadilia...

Month Of Fish - Tasmarta, the Month of Fish The woman Panjalo, daughter of Kansko Chansko and Olabadilia Lazamora, sister of Atlanta Ignalina and Heineman Yakaskam, was arrested in Tasmarta, the Month of Fish, and...

Month Of Lombok - The Chalakanesian archipelago had now entered into the Month of Lombok, the Month of Madness when cats fall from the sky, when doppelgangers go howling through the streets, when golems walk, and when...

Month Of Madness - Lombok, the Month of Madness, was the time of peak metapsychic activity in Chalakanesia. Then, big spikes and overjolts were to be expected. [EoH Ch6] It was then Lombok, the Month of Madness. In...

Month Of Marriage - It was the last day of Alsh Gravis, the Month of Marriage, the ninth month of Chalakanesia's thirteen-month year. It was Hog 550, which is the year Belta 2365 by our calendar, and little boy Loki was...

Month Of Peace - Sadamantha, the Month of Peace, which follows Lombok Instead, for the first time in the history of Chalakanesia, the people themselves would get to elect a president by popular vote. The whole...

Months - Chalakanesia has a thirteen month year. The known months are below. Zavrakeltic - Month Of All Births na na na na na na na Alsh Gravis - Month Of Marriage Tasmarta - Month Of Fish (not certain this...

Palapap - The woman Panjalo, daughter of Kansko Chansko and Olabadilia Lazamora, sister of Atlanta Ignalina and Heineman Yakaskam, was arrested in Tasmarta, the Month of Fish, and was put on trial in Palapap,...

Sadamantha - The month of peace. The senate was not in session at the moment, in Lombok, but it usually sat in the following month, Sadamantha, the Month of Peace. [NoP Ch14] Instead, for the first time in the...

Slug - A year in the calendar Atlanta was quite right. It had been in the year of the Slug, in Belta 2359, that Yulius had made his trip to Barth Banchup Bakchakris, the City of Burning Blood, the capital...

Tasmarta - The woman Panjalo, daughter of Kansko Chansko and Olabadilia Lazamora, sister of Atlanta Ignalina and Heineman Yakaskam, was arrested in Tasmarta, the Month of Fish, and was put on trial in Palapap,...

Year Of The Aardvark - After Heineman was elected, ex-president Uzbek had moved to Islam Demaxus, in an apparent attempt to prolong his influence. But, in Belta 2366, the Year of the Aardvark, he had been assassinated by a...

Year Of The Blast - 'It could therefore be said that Vignis Vo Gorkindachina was subjected to selective justice when he was declared dead after having been shunted some three years ago, in Belta 2365, that Year of the...

Year Of The Cloud - In that Year of the Cloud, Belta 2368, Panjalo Pantaline Jubiladilia was 28 years old, and had spent a large part of the previous six years living on the island of Lighthouse, a full three hundred...

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