
The vividly described world of the Chronicles includes a diverse host of animals - some familiar to us, and some uniquely original. Follow this link for information on The Swarms.

There are several taxonomic systems on Olo Malan, including the Ilapatarginath [X p. 258], and the Hindrix-Prodorgotz [VI p. 6].

'A quokka?' said Guest. 'What in the name of Behenial is a quokka?'
'What, for that matter, is Behenial?' said his father [X p. 474]

Smoke Parasite Smoke Parasite He's right, said Miphon. Stay away for the moment. The smoke is parasitic, but the light will weaken it. Soon it'll trouble him less, and be too weak to batten onto anything else. ...

Snail, water Snail, water

Snake Snake VI p. 369

Snake, copper-strike Snake, copper-strike

Snake, Rabbit Snake, Rabbit III p. 332

Sparrow Sparrow II p. 68

Sponge Sponge I p. 7

Stalker Stalker

Starfish Starfish [III p. 346,

Stink lizard Stink lizard III p. 332

Swamp dragons Swamp dragons These creatures are not true dragons any more than an ork is a true whale, but the naming of things proceeds without regard for scientific taxonomy, hence dragons they were to Galsh...

Swarms Swarms the creatures of the Swarms are dealt with in a dedicated article.

Taniwha Taniwha found in Quilth [I p. 45]. Doesn't feature in any of the books, but here's a Wikipedia article

The Swarms The Swarms

Thog Thog IX p. 35

Thrush Thrush II p. 68

Toad Toad X p. 468

Tunneller Tunneller

Turtle Turtle II p. 254

Unicorn Unicorn VI p. 262

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